Xizang (Tibet): Gongjue (Gongjo) Xian.
Luosong Dengzhu; ca. 8.6 km in a straight line NW of city of Gongjue.
Rocky meadow with Kobresia, Spenceria, Bistorta, Artemisia (with Cotoneaster appressed to rocks); scrub thickets of Caragana, Potentilla, Berberis, Lonicera and Ribes; and stony slopes and limestone cliffs and boulders.
3750-3900 m.
Pileus soil yellow to pale yellowish brown, surface smooth, 0.6-0.8 cm in diam; lamellae pale soil brown, adnate, with short gills, margin even; stipe equal, yellowish brown, 2-3 cm long, 0.1 cm in diam., base inflated, up to 0.3 cm in diam.