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Xizang (Tibet): Jiangda (Gyamda) Xian. Narrow gorge ca. 6 km E in a straight line from the center of the city of Jiangda (Gyamda). Logged Picea forest, now dominated by Betula. Slopes and meadows; slopes with numerous, scattered limestone boulders and diverse herbaceous flora in organically rich, dark soil and with deep moss layer in many places. 31°28'59"N, 98°16'39"E; 3900 m.
Hymenium compressed, 8-12 mm in width, and 1.5-2.0 mm in thickness, pale olivaceous; stipe 2-3 X 0.2-0.3 cm, cream to yellowish. (Conspecific with Z. L. Yang 5471).
Zhu-Liang YANG
5468 4 August 2009
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