Xizang (Tibet): Jiangda (Gyamda) Xian.
Narrow gorge ca. 6 km E in a straight line from the center of the city of Jiangda (Gyamda).
Logged Picea forest, now dominated by Betula. Slopes and meadows; slopes with numerous, scattered limestone boulders and diverse herbaceous flora in organically rich, dark soil and with deep moss layer in many places.
3900 m.
Cap convex, slightly umbonate, blackish to dark gray at first, becoming gray to brownish gray when mature, margin somewhat paler, innately fibrillose, usually smooth, but sometimes pileipellis broken into squamules; lamellae adnexed, white to cream, up to 13 mm in height; stipe *-15 X 1.5-3 cm, subcylindrical to slightly attenuate upwards, cream to yellowish, glabrous; context of cap and stipe white, unchanging, taste and odor mild.