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Meconopsis sulphurea Grey-Wilson subsp. gracilifolia Grey-Wilson
Qinghai: Yushu Xian: Xia-Baitang. None. Moist slopes with dark, rich soil in south-facing ravine with limestone ledges and outcrops. Dominant shrubs: Salix, Rhododendron primulifolium, Caragana and Spiraea. 32°40'30"N, 97°17'40"E; 4200-4400 m.
Deep, dark soil on slope. Petals, stamens and ovary yellow, petals deep purple at very base. Initially identified as Meconopsis integrifolia (Maximowicz) Franchet.
David E. Boufford & Tsun-Shen YING
27034 5 July 1995
Copyright 1995 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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