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Equisetum ramosissimum Desfontaines
Qinghai: Chindu Xian. East of Oba village. Seepages and small streams along the Tongtian (upper Jinsha Jiang) River. Vegetation mostly scattered shrubs of Elsholtzia fruticosa, Juniperus (Sabina), Caragana and Cotoneaster. 32°55'20"N, 97°17'30"E; 3360 m.
Sandy soil along river and small streams. Abundant. Stems tufted in distinct clumps.
David E. Boufford, Xue-Feng LU & Tsun-Shen YING
27005 4 July 1995
Tongtien (upper Jinsha Jiang) River, which later becomes the Chang Jiang, then the Yangtze
Tongtien (upper Jinsha Jiang) River, which later becomes the Chang Jiang, then the Yangtze
Copyright 1995 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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