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Qinghai: Chindu Xian. Oba village; along the Tongtian He (Tongtian River; upper Jinsha Jiang). Steep slopes, cliffs and ravines. Vegetation mostly scattered shrubs of Elsholtzia fruticosa, Juniperus (Sabina), Caragana and Hedysarum multijugum. 32°55'32"N, 97°15'58"E; 3500 m.
Dry slopes and cliffs. Coarse herbs. Flowers stems to 1 m tall; corolla purplish pink to purplish red, yellow in throat at anthesis, becoming darker in age, yellowish at base of corolla tube both inside and out.
David E. Boufford, Xue-Feng LU & Tsun-Shen YING
26981 4 July 1995
Copyright 1995 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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