Xizang (Tibet): Jiangda (Gyamda) Xian.
Narrow gorge and rocky slopes ca. 6 km E in a straight line from the center of the city of Jiangda (Gyamda).
Kobresia meadow giving way to slopes with dwarf (< 5 m tall), Potentilla fruticosa and Caragana, then rocky slope and rocky ridge.
4400-4880 m.
On slope in patch of bare soil with few rocks.Corolla pale yellow, galea and base of lower lip darker yellow, with reddish spot at base of galea.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Deren A. Eaton, Xin-Hui LI, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Ji-Pei YUE, Jian-Wen ZHANG & Xin-Xin ZHU