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Codonopsis canescens Nannfeldt
Xizang (Tibet): Gongjue (Gongjo) Xian. Luosong Dengzhu; ca. 8.6 km in a straight line NW of city of Gongjue. Rocky meadow with Kobresia, Spenceria, Bistorta, Artemisia (with Cotoneaster appressed to rocks); scrub thickets of Caragana, Potentilla, Berberis, Lonicera and Ribes; and stony slopes and limestone cliffs and boulders. 30°54'25"N, 98°11'37"E; 3750-3900 m.
On slope. Conspicuous and abundant. Foul smelling when bruised. Corolla white, slightly bluish at base.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Deren A. Eaton, Xin-Hui LI, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Ji-Pei YUE, Jian-Wen ZHANG & Xin-Xin ZHU
41611 1 August 2009

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