Xizang (Tibet): Riwoqe Xian.
Road from Changdu (Chamdo) to Nangqen, Qinghai, along Lancang Jiang (Ge Qu, or Ge River), then W along tributary of Lancang Jiang on road to Riwoqe via Machala coal mine.
Meadow beside stream and slope, both with scattered shrubs; Berberis and Salix dominant, with Rosa and scattered Picea and Juniperus.
3735 m.
In crevices of cliffs and on rocky slopes in open.Fruit dark green with dark purple specks.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Deren A. Eaton, Xin-Hui LI, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Ji-Pei YUE, Jian-Wen ZHANG & Xin-Xin ZHU