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Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Wallich) Royle
Xizang (Tibet): Riwoqe Xian. Road from Changdu (Chamdo) to Nangqen, Qinghai, along Lancang Jiang (Ge Qu, or Ge River), then W along tributary of Lancang Jiang on road to Riwoqe via Machala coal mine. Meadow beside stream and slope, both with scattered shrubs; Berberis and Salix dominant, with Rosa and scattered Picea and Juniperus. 31°27'36"N, 96°43'29"E; 3735 m.
In crevices of cliffs and on rocky slopes in open. Fruit dark green with dark purple specks.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Deren A. Eaton, Xin-Hui LI, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Ji-Pei YUE, Jian-Wen ZHANG & Xin-Xin ZHU
40935 24 July 2009

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