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Delphinium thibeticum Finet & Gagnepain
Sichuan: Luhuo Xian. Between the cities of Kangding and Luhuo on highway 317. Secondary forest of Betula, Picea and Abies with intermixed shrubs of Cotoneaster, Lonicera, Salix, Rhamnus, Rosa and Crataegus. 31°8'31"N, 100°54'32"E; 3100-3200 m.
Banks of stream in dry soil, in partial shade. Flowers dark purple.
David E. Boufford, Michael J. Donoghue & Richard H. Ree
27757 31 August 1997
Copyright 1997 Richard H. Ree   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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