Xizang (Tibet): Gongbo Gyamda Xian.
Basong Hu (Basum Tso; Basum Lake).
Cut over mixed broadleaved deciduous-mixed conifer forest and interspersed boggy meadows.
3500 m.
Wet meadow.Corolla pale yellow, nearly white.
David E. Boufford, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree & Su-Gong WU (S. K. WU)
15 August 2000
Primula florindae Kingdon-Ward (L), with yellow petals; Primula alpicola (W. W. Smith) Stapf (R), with pale yellow or nearly white petals, growing intermixed near Basong Hu (Basum Tso), Gongbo Gyamda Xian, Xizang (Tibet), China