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Sichuan: Maerkang (Barkam) Xian. E of the city of Maerkang on road to Li Xian, then S on a dirt road to Maomuchu Cun. Along stream and adjacent slopes with remnant forests of Picea and Betula with HippophaĆ«, Rosa, Cotoneaster and Hypericum. 31°47'57"N, 102°28'57"E; 3165 m.
Disturbed areas at edge of small road; between moss covered stones. Plants to ca. 80 cm tall; fruit red.
David E. Boufford, Kazumi FUJIKAWA, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Dacai ZHANG, Jian-Wen ZHANG, Ti-Cao ZHANG & Wei-Dong ZHU
39699 15 August 2007
Copyright 2007 Susan Kelley   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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