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Codonopsis foetens J. D. Hooker & Thomson subsp. nervosa (Chipp) D. Y. Hong
Determined by: Deyuan Hong, Monogr. Codonopsis & Allied Genera 102: 2015
Qinghai: Jiuzhi (Jigzhi) Xian. NW of the city of Aba on highway S302 (Sichuan) then ca. 8 km N on highway 101 (Qinghai) on both sides of road. Stream and wet meadow in lower part and slope with dwarf Salix and dwarf Rhododendron away from stream. 33°14'47"N, 101°28'50"E; 3850-3900 m.
Meadow. Common. Stems erect; corolla pale blue with purple veins. Initially identified as Codonopsis canescens Nannfeldt.
David E. Boufford, Kazumi FUJIKAWA, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Da-Cai ZHANG, Jian-Wen ZHANG, Ti-Cao ZHANG, Wei-Dong ZHU
39313 9 August 2007

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