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Acer davidii Franchet
Sichuan: Jinchuan Xian. S of the city of Jinchuan on highway S211 to Dusong Xiang, then W along Sesiman Gou toward border with Maerbang Xiang. Remnant forest on steep slopes (often with loose rocks) and immediately along river. Dominant trees: Koelreuteria, Pittosporum, Carpinus, Ostrya, Acer davidii, Salix, Abies. 31°18'59"N, 102°0'2"E; 2230-2500 m.
Rocky slopes and base of slopes. Tree 3-6 m tall; trunk and stems green with white stripes; fruit pink.
David E. Boufford, Kazumi FUJIKAWA, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Da-Cai ZHANG, Jian-Wen ZHANG, Ti-Cao ZHANG, Wei-Dong ZHU
38800 2 August 2007

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