Sichuan: Jinchuan Xian.
S of the city of Jinchuan on highway S211 to Dusong Xiang, then W along Sesiman Gou toward border with Maerbang Xiang.
Remnant forest on steep slopes (often with loose rocks) and immediately along river. Dominant trees: Koelreuteria, Pittosporum, Carpinus, Ostrya, Acer davidii, Salix, Abies.
2230-2500 m.
In moss on boulder near stream.Colonial. Intermixed with Lepisorus. Initially identified as Pyrrosia gralla (Giesenhagen) Ching.
David E. Boufford, Kazumi FUJIKAWA, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Da-Cai ZHANG, Jian-Wen ZHANG, Ti-Cao ZHANG, Wei-Dong ZHU