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Xizang (Tibet): Baxoi Xian. E of Anjiu La (pass), on road (highway 318) to Baxoi (Paksho) from Bomi (Pome) and Rawu (Raog). Moist to wet meadows and seepages and around springs and adjacent xeric slopes. 29°44'48"N, 96°42'33"E; 4280 m.
Stony slope. Flowers pale yellow, buds tinged red. Initially identified as Astragalus floridus Bentham ex Bunge (1869), not Scopoli (1787).
David E. Boufford, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree & Su-Gong WU (S. K. WU)
29979 4 August 2000

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