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Rhododendron davidsonianum (aff.) Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Determined by: D. F. Chamberlain, Jun 2008
Sichuan: Xiaojin Xian. SE of the city of Xiaojin, on road to pass over Jiajin Shan. Moist, remnant Abies forest with Salix, Rosa, large (> 1 m tall) Rhododendron, Berberis; Sphagnum abundant. 30°52'28"N, 102°37'53"E; 3350-3400 m.
Among Abies. Shrub ca. 2.5 m tall; corolla pink, lower petal with purple markings.
David E. Boufford, Kazumi FUJIKAWA, Susan L. Kelley, Richard H. Ree, Bo XU, Da-Cai ZHANG, Jian-Wen ZHANG, Ti-Cao ZHANG, Wei-Dong ZHU
38504 28 July 2007

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