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Sichuan: Xiangcheng Xian. Sichuan-Yunnan border area. North side of Daxue Shan between Zhongdian and Xiangcheng. Mixed Abies-Larix-Picea-Juniperus forest with large Rhododendron and open talus slopes and meadows. 28°35'38"N, 99°50'49"E; 4100-4300 m.
On ground in forest of Abies and Rhododendron at 4100 m. Pileus 5-10 cm in diam., convex to almost applanate, first dull brown with reddish tinge, then becoming ochraceous with reddish tinge, covered with whitish to grayish veil remnants. Lamellae first white to whitish, then violet, at last brownish to pale brown with violet tinge. Stipe 5-10 x 1-2.5 cm, attenuate upwards, surface whitish to brownish, covered with brown to brownish belt-like squamules. Context whitish to cream colored to yellowish. Taste mild.
Zhu-Liang YANG
2438 24 July 1998

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