Sichuan: Xiangcheng Xian.
W of Xiangcheng on highway XV09 to Reda Xiang on Reda side of pass over Ma'an Shan.
Remnant Picea-Quercus-Prunus-Salix forest and adjacent openings and loose stony slopes; mostly intact Quercus and mixed conifer forests from 3750 m to tree line.
3450-3800 m.
Grassy opening in Quercus forest at 3750 m.Plants with one to several sterile shoots with large leaves and basal axillary fertile shoots with smaller leaves; corolla greenish white with small purple spots.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Wenyun CHEN, Michael J. Donoghue, Richard H. Ree, Hang SUN & Sugong WU (S. K. WU)