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Yunnan: Songming Xian: Guodong Cun. N of the city of Kunming; Guodong village. Zhaobi Shan. Mixed broadleaved evergreen-deciduous forest with Alnus nepalensis, Lithocarpus, Quercus, Michelia, Platycarya, etc. and Pinus armandii. 25°23'32"N, 102°43'11"E; 2415 m.
Grassy clearing and scrubby area on slope. Plants scattered in cleared area, mostly around small shrubs.
David E. Boufford, Susan L. Kelley & Ji-Pei YUE
30404 4 July 2004
Ophioglosssum petiolatum. Zhaobi Shan, Guodong Village, Yunnan
Ophioglosssum petiolatum. Zhaobi Shan, Guodong Village, Yunnan
Copyright 2004 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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