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Corydalis zadoiensis L. H. Zhou
Determined by: Magnus Lidén, February 2012
Xizang (Tibet): Riwoqe Xian. WSW of the city of Riwoqe on road (highway 317) from Riwoqe (Riwoche) to Dingqing (Tengchen). Shallow ravine with shrubby slopes interspersed with Kobresia dominated open spaces and exposed soil; rocky slopes above 4750. 31°5'34"N, 96°25'10"E; 4400-4620 m.
Sandy area and scree slope and between rocks and river. Flowers white with blue at apex of tepal lobes, spur also blue in some individuals.
David E. Boufford, Jia-Hui CHEN, Susan L. Kelley, J. LI, Richard H. Ree, Hang SUN & Yong-Hong ZHANG
32063 11 August 2004

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