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Koenigia forrestii (Diels) Mesícek & Soják
Xizang (Tibet): Zuogong (Zogang) Xian. Dongda-La (pass), border of Mangkang (Markam) and Zogang xian on highway 318. Scree slopes, rocky vegetated slopes and adjacent level area at pass. 29°42'39"N, 98°0'9"E; 5100-5300 m.
Coarse sandy soil on rocky slope. Rhizomatous; some leaves red on lower surface; petals white, greenish pink at base; anthers black. Plants of this size have often been identified as var. pumilio Lingelsheim.
David E. Boufford, Jia-Hui CHEN, Susan L. Kelley, J. LI, Richard H. Ree, Hang SUN & Yong-Hong ZHANG
31101 25 July 2004

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