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Xizang (Tibet): Mangkang (Markam) Xian. Pass on highway 214 at Lawu Shan, just N of the city of Mangkang (Markam). Heavily grazed Kobresia and Carex meadows with Polygonum, Potentilla. 29°42'6"N, 98°31'32"E; 4400-4500 m.
Solitary and subfasciculate in rocky soil of alpine meadow. Fruiting body 35-70 mm high X 24-75 mm wide, circular to ovoid, most with short, narrowed base, one ±sessile; outer peridium granular-furfuraceous overall initially, tending to remain so on the sides and lower potions, the upper portion breaking into geometric patches (areolate), whitish, becoming pale brownish-gray with exposure to rain; inner peridium brownish-white. Gleba entirely white in young specimens, no columella present. .
Brian A. Perry
BAP244 14 July 2000

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