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Xizang (Tibet): Mangkang (Markam) Xian: Markam City. Hills on W side of Zhongyen River ca. 10 km N of the city of Mangkang (Markam). Heavily grazed Kobresia and Carex meadows with scattered islands of Picea, Juniperus and colonial Rhododendron. 29°44'43"N, 98°34'41"E; 4010-4160 m.
Gregarious and subfasciculate on well decayed wood in soil, in Picea stand in alpine meadow, ~4109 m. Ascomata spathuliform, more rarely narrowly clavate to cylindrical, 20-57 mm in length. Hymenial portion 9-30 X 5.5-17 mm; surface moist, dull, glabrous, smooth or with folds and/or ridges, pale orangish yellow (4-5A5); folded over stipe such that apex of stipe is seen as a tapering point projecting 1/2-1/3 of the way through the hymenial layer. Stipe 16-50 X 2.5-9 mm, terete, or slightly flattened, ±equal, often somewhat knobby, frequently curved; surface moist, dull, smooth, glabrous, pale orangish (5A5 to 5A-B6). Odor indistinct.
Brian A. Perry
BAP242 13 July 2000

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