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Urocystis circaeasteri Vánky
Determined by: Vánky Kálmán, Mycotaxon 89(1): 56. 2004
Sichuan: Luhuo Xian. North of the city of Luhuo on road to Sêrtar. Mixed forest of Picea, Abies and broadleaved deciduous trees along stream. 31°39'36"N, 100°42'46"E; 3500 m.
Infecting fruit of Circaeaster agrestis Maximowicz. Many plants of Circaeaster infected at this site. See uninfected specimens (no. 27774) at A, CAS, E, MO, TI.
David E. Boufford, Michael J. Donoghue & Richard H. Ree
27774A 1 September 1997
Plant of Circaeaster (to left of center) with fruit (darkened) infected by Urocystis
Plant of Circaeaster (to left of center) with fruit (darkened) infected by Urocystis
Copyright 1997 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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