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Gentianopsis barbata (Froelich) Ma var. stenocalyx H. W. Li in T. N. Ho
Qinghai: Nangqen Xian. Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou; ca. 15-20 km E of the town of Nangqen along the Za-Qu (Za River) in Shixia Gou. West facing ravine over limestone with sparse Juniperus (Sabina) on slopes and shrub vegetation on level areas along stream. 31°53'37"N, 96°35'46"E; 4100-4200 m.
On steep, stony slope in open. Calyx green; corolla bluish purple. Scattered on slope.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Jian-Ling GUO, Julian F. Harber, Qin LI & Ji-Pei YUE
44625 14 August 2018

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