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Lamiophlomis rotata (Bentham ex J. D. Hooker) Kudo
Sichuan: Daocheng Xian. Bowa pass on road from Daocheng to Gongling. Dwarf Rhododendron scrub, alpine meadows and gravelly slide areas. 28°53'57"N, 100°17'8"E; 4460-4650 m.
Open, sandy-gravelly slopes with clayey substrate. Corolla purple.
David E. Boufford, Bruce Bartholomew, Wenyun CHEN, Michael J. Donoghue, Richard H. Ree, Hang SUN & Sugong WU (S. K. WU)
28287 5 July 1998
Copyright 1998 David E. Boufford   [Edit image]   [View original in new window]

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