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Pteridophytes and Lycophytes

Family Specimens
Asteraceae 4507
Rosaceae 2665
Ericaceae 2013
Fabaceae 1647
Orobanchaceae 1628
Ranunculaceae 1594
Lamiaceae 1514
Poaceae 1385
Gentianaceae 1199
Primulaceae 1121
All families of Angiosperms...
Family Specimens
Pinaceae 205
Cupressaceae 78
Ephedraceae 32
Taxaceae 26
Taxodiaceae 14
Gnetaceae 9
Cephalotaxaceae 3
Acanthaceae 1
All families of Gymnosperms...
Family Specimens
Polypodiaceae 635
Dryopteridaceae 570
Pteridaceae 351
Athyriaceae 223
Aspleniaceae 132
Selaginellaceae 130
Lycopodiaceae 93
Hymenophyllaceae 78
Thelypteridaceae 67
Vittariaceae 53
All families of Pteridophytes and Lycophytes...
Genus Specimens
Pedicularis 1472
Rhododendron 839
Saussurea 805
Gentiana 593
Saxifraga 500
Corydalis 435
Berberis 425
Impatiens 421
Carex 401
Rubus 388
All genera of Angiosperms...
Genus Specimens
Juniperus 64
Picea 52
Pinus 50
Tsuga 40
Abies 35
Ephedra 32
Taxus 24
Larix 23
Cupressus 9
Gnetum 9
All genera of Gymnosperms...
Genus Specimens
Dryopteris 245
Lepisorus 232
Polystichum 215
Athyrium 135
Asplenium 132
Selaginella 130
Pteris 88
Phymatopteris 71
Lycopodium 66
Adiantum 65
All genera of Pteridophytes and Lycophytes...




Family Specimens
Pottiaceae 879
Dicranaceae 579
Hypnaceae 453
Bryaceae 353
Mniaceae 293
Thuidiaceae 270
Grimmiaceae 230
Leskeaceae 209
Brachytheciaceae 189
Ditrichaceae 178
All families of Bryophytes...
Family Specimens
Tricholomataceae 426
Agaricaceae 313
Russulaceae 264
Cortinariaceae 182
Inocybaceae 180
Amanitaceae 167
Pyronemataceae 149
Boletaceae 141
Strophariaceae 125
Hygrophoraceae 120
All families of Fungi...
Family Specimens
All families of Algae...
Genus Specimens
Barbula 469
Bryum 230
Hypnum 209
Pseudoleskeella 170
Grimmia 162
Mnium 155
Leucodon 151
Entodon 144
Thuidium 130
Distichium 129
All genera of Bryophytes...
Genus Specimens
Cortinarius 171
Inocybe 167
Amanita 166
Russula 130
Lactarius 126
Mycena 93
Tricholoma 85
Clitocybe 79
Hygrophorus 75
Peziza 67
All genera of Fungi...
Genus Specimens
All genera of Algae...

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