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Gazetteer and historical maps

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Why a gazetteer and thesaurus?
To resolve the inconsistencies, uncertainties, and confusion of place names used over the past 150 years by explorers and collectors of natural history specimens in the Hengduan Mountains region, a multilingual gazetteer and thesaurus was prepared.
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Map of Historic Tibet
A map showing the historic Tibetan provinces of Kham and Amdo relative to the current Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, and Gansu and the Tibet Autonomous Region. Image from The Tibet Map Institute -
Joseph Rock's map of Te-ch'in (A-tun-tzu), China. Sheet 1 of 4 from "The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China".
"Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927."
A set of 10 hand-drawn maps from Joseph Rock's 1925-1927 expedition to Qinghai (青海) and Gansu (甘肃).
Joseph Rock's map of Wei-hsi, China. Sheet 2 of 4 from "The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China".
Joseph Rock's map of Li-chiang, China. Sheet 3 of 4 from "The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China".
Joseph Rock's map of Yen-Yüan, China. Sheet 4 of 4 from "The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China".
Northwest Yunnan map from J. W. and C. J. Gregory "To the Alps of Chinese Tibet" (1923)
This map, one of the resources used to build the gazetteer, shows the route of geologists J. W. and C. J. Gregory in NW Yunnan in 1922. Much of the area overlaps Joseph Rock's maps in his "The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China", but with variant spellings of place names.

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